'16 Gold Rubics 4 Steps

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I’m going to show you the easiest way to solve the Mirror Cube...

1. Find the highest center and form t.
2. Turn the extender of t side in the 2nd layer.
3. Fill in all side in 2nd layer.
F-R'-F'-R @ R'-F-R-F'
4. Fill in all corner in 1st layer
U'-R-U'-R'-2U'-R-U'-R' @
5. Form an L in 3rd Layer.
Follows by straight parallel line and
flip all pieces to form a t.
Repeat F-R-U-R'-U'-F'
6. Swap the t corner until perfect.
Repeat R-U-R'-U-R-2U-R'

7. Rotate the 3rd layer corner places.
Repeat U-R-U'-L'-U-R'-U'-L

8. Turns all pieces at place.
Repeat R'-D'-R-D-R'-D'-R-D
Once surface matched, rotate 3rd layer and
continue for other pieces...