I’m going to show you the easiest way to solve the Mirror Cube...
1. Find the highest center and form t.
2. Turn the extender of t side in the 2nd layer.
3. Fill in all side in 2nd layer.
F-R'-F'-R @ R'-F-R-F'
4. Fill in all corner in 1st layer
U'-R-U'-R'-2U'-R-U'-R' @
5. Form an L in 3rd Layer.
Follows by straight parallel line and
flip all pieces to form a t.
Repeat F-R-U-R'-U'-F'
6. Swap the t corner until perfect.
Repeat R-U-R'-U-R-2U-R'
7. Rotate the 3rd layer corner places.
Repeat U-R-U'-L'-U-R'-U'-L
8. Turns all pieces at place.
Repeat R'-D'-R-D-R'-D'-R-D
Once surface matched, rotate 3rd layer and
continue for other pieces...